How to map a network drive

To map a network drive in Windows:

1. Open "File Explorer" by pressing Windows key + E on your keyboard.
2. Click on "This PC" in the left-hand menu.
3. Click on "Map network drive" in the "Computer" tab.
4. In the "Drive" field, choose the letter you want to assign to the network drive.
5. In the "Folder" field, enter the path of the folder you want to map, e.g. \\server\share.
6. Check the box next to "Reconnect at sign-in" if you want the drive to be automatically mapped every time you log in.
7. Click on "Finish" to map the drive.

If prompted, enter your credentials for the network location. Once mapped, the network drive will appear in "File Explorer" under "This PC" with the letter you assigned to it.

If you have any further questions or issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to your IT support team for additional help.